A major evolution in computing technology has coming. The development in multi-core processors is coming at a time when consumers are beginning to require the benefits of these processors due to the exponential growth of globalization of the Internet. As soon as possible, multi-core processors will eventually become the pervasive computing model, placing the capabilities of nowadays single-core processors.
Most of people frustrated by staring at the hourglass icon when they are trying to work on more than three programs at once, especially when you are working with digital media. Multi-core processors is designed for people who want to stay at the forefront of technology and for those who depend on their PCs to keep them connected, informed, and entertained. Multi-core processors enabling computer users to tackle projects that never before possible on previous desktop system, and blaze through their work faster than ever. Multi-core processors take even more demanding work, accelerating a wide range of intensive high performance computing applications.Multi-core processors will also have the benefit of offering performance without having to increase power requirements, which will translate into greater performance per watt. Multi-core processors exemplify company’s vision to understand customers and deliver products that best meet their needs. By placing two or more powerful computing cores on a single processor, the chance to gather new possibilities of computing uses have opened.
The next generation of software applications will be developed using multi-core processors. Such applications, help professional animation companies produce more and more realistic movies for less money and time, or create breakthrough pathways to make a PC more natural and intuitive, doubling the widespread availability of hardware using multi-core processor technology. Tomorrow will not be the same like the day before.
More and more software applications create real-world simulations that are so vivid that will be difficult for people to know if they are looking at a computer monitor or out the window. Multi-core processors offering cost-effective technology, helping users to break through single-core performance limitations, and also giving users the ability to keep working while they are also running the most processor-intensive tasks in the background.
Many processors companies have been struggled for few decades, trying to compete with Intel in desktop computing processors uses. Recently, Sun Microsystems have announced a new processor named The Rock. The Rock has 16 cores. The Rock has the ability to support 256 terabyte RAM in single domain software. This CPU has 2,395 pins, where 812 pins used for signaling, and 1,541 pins for power consuming. To know more about how many threads per core, why this processor low power consuming, the official news has not giving any clue yet. As soon as its have been released, the market will provide the costumers with many platforms of choices besides Intel or AMD.
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Thank you for visiting SurayBlog
Hi Sur, your information is really cool. I have just thinking that what the actions that Intel gonna take?
James McKinsey
Well, I think I should change my oldish CPU Intel Pentium 4 3,0 GHz. Is The Rock suit with house computing use? ** Mike J. **
I'm AMD's fan! I wish AMD could always be on the top. :) No offense!
-- ZackDoom --
I hope this processor can fulfill the need of hardcore image and movie editing!!! Though I am still using Core 2 Duo to complete my job, and I don't think to replace it, but your info has made me think twice!! Good job Bro. -+ Thr3sTr14l +-
Interesting! I think I should consider this processor for fulfilling my company needs.
(Noriko Fujisaki)
No one can beat Intel in desktop computing!! (Mark David)
I think, this is the end of the era of single-core processor. It seems the change is moving too fast! I hope as soon as possible, it impact will be positive for all of computing users. (Chandrashekar)
I always love AMD for sure.
Who cares with Sun or other... No one can stop the rush of AMD
I hope as soon as possible, I could taste the power of the ROCK!
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