
Thursday, June 7, 2007

Indonesia’s Industries and Products

Indonesia in agriculture. Besides growing crops for local use, many Indonesians work on plantations where they raise mainly export products. Most of these plantations are on Java and Sumatra. Although production was higher before World War II, Indonesia is still an important producer and exporter of rubber, copra, pepper, palm oil, kapok, and quinine. Because of the population increase, rice is now grown on several plantations and is imported from abroad to prevent famine.

Indonesia in forestry. There are many products from the tropical forest. Besides woods such as teak, sandal, and ebony, forests yield many resins, fibers, and fruits. The bark of the coastal mangrove is used for leather tanning, and that of the cinchona tree for making of quinine. Bamboo is a plant having many uses, and rattan is made into wicker products, such as furniture.

Indonesia in fishing. The nearness of sea and stream make it possible for the people to catch many fish. Also, the wet rice fields and flooded coastal areas are used as fish ponds. Fish are important as a daily food diet because religion often prohibits the eating of certain kind of meat.

Indonesia in mining. Many of the islands have valuable mineral deposits. Petroleum is found on Java, Sumatra, Borneo, and Papua (West Irian). Tin is mined on Bangka and Billiton. Diamonds, gold, and silver are found on Borneo and Sumatra. Coal, although not of a high grade, is also found on Sumatra.

Indonesia in manufacturing. Just before World War II the country began to develop shipbuilding, cement-making, and textile and paper production in many of the islands. People also engage in food processing, tire manufacturing, sugar-refining, the manufacture of chemicals, and glass-making. Local craftsmanship is of high quality, especially in the field of textile design, wood carving, and silversmith.

Indonesia in trade. Indonesian’s principal exports are agriculture and forest products, petroleum, copra, and tin ore. Imports consist of food stuffs, machinery, textiles, iron and steel and manufactured products.

Indonesia transportation and communication. Although Indonesia is an island country, water transportation is not well developed. Distances and lack of shipping prevent serious problems. Java has the best roads and railroads. On the other islands, mountains and jungles interfere with land transportation, so most Indonesians walk or use buffalo carts. In the cities many people use bicycles or three-wheeled Pedicabs called “becaks”. Jakarta is served by many foreign airlines, while the Garuda Indonesian Airways supplies inter-island service and flies to cities in the Philippines and on the Asia mainland. Telephone, telegraph, and postal services are owned by the government.

Indonesia major cities. Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia, lies near the northwestern coast of Java. Jakarta has a population over 11,000,000. Jakarta was founded in 1619, looks much like Amsterdam, with Dutch architecture, and many bridges crossing its canals. Other Javanese cities are Bandung, Surabaya, and Yogyakarta, the center of Javanese culture. Banjarmasin is the largest city on Indonesian Borneo. Balikpapan, also on Borneo, is a petroleum center. Belawan and Padang are two important ports in Sumatra, while Palembang on the Musi River is a petroleum center. Maccasar is the largest city in Celebes, and Manado is a leading port. The largest town on Indonesian Timor is Kupang, a steppingstone in air travel between Indonesia and Australia. Ambon on the island of the same name is the leading city of the Moluccas.


Anonymous said...

Indonesia is really beautiful country. I've been there twice, especially in Bali. It's very amazing. Thanks for your information.

Suray said...

Thanks bro for your comment. You are always welcome in Indonesia.

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