If you found this page useful, consider linking to it. A mass Google PageRank update has lowered many sites that sell links. You might have heard that Google has changed its PageRank Algorithm. However, you might not care about it, people thought that it would be hard for Google to make some algorithm to check whereas a link is paid or non-paid link. This action has forced Google to take a step further, Google decided to edit by hand the PageRank score of every site that (perhaps) Google dislike. Google cannot be an objective reviewer, because the conditions have made Google to be subjective in judging the PageRank score of those sites that selling links.
I have shocked to hear that some large website such as ProBlogger, Engadget, WashingtonPost, Forbes, etc. This is very speculative second update of Google PageRank in this year. Some of which have dropped from a PR of 7 to 4, perhaps they have been penalized for selling text link ads. I just cannot believe it that had dropped from 6 to 4, you can read it at ProBlogger - PageRank 4. I have posted couple months ago about the action that Google might taken about text link ads at Google not tolerate paid linksMany websites had their PageRank scores dropped in a night. I am not curious that Google took this action, those sites really have been polluting the blogsphere. However, I doubt that the PageRank scores will affected those sites negatively. Those sites have good branding strategies; those sites are well known by people all over the Internet. In my humble opinion, the traffic is more helping those sites than only depending on PageRank score.
Well the worst thing is, my PageRank only 0, remains unaffected. Actually, I am expecting the PageRank of this blog is about (at least) one. Now, all the hopes have been buried after for 5 months spending my whole times to improve this blog. Well, seems a man must not give up for such thing like this. I will no more concern anymore about PageRank. I will continue my blogging activities because I want to do it, not because of PageRank. Remember, we are blogging for our readers, not for search engines.
To check your PageRank score, you can use Live PR Checker. Although many other tools out there, but I recommend you to use this tool to get more accurate the PageRank score of your site in live.
Below are some websites, who seem to have taken a hit overnight:
• The Washington Post PR7 to PR5
• Forbes PR7 to PR5
• Chigago Sun-Times PR7 to PR5
• SFGate.com PR7 to PR5
• StatCounter.com PR10 to PR6
• MasterNewMedia PR7 to PR4
• AutoBlog PR6 to PR4
• Engadget PR7 to PR5
• ProBlogger PR6 to PR4
• CopyBlogger PR6 to PR4
• JoyStiq PR6 to PR4
• Tuaw PR6 to PR4
• SearchEngineGuide PR7 to PR4
• SearchEngineJournal PR7 to PR4
• John Chow PR6 to PR4
• Quick Online Tips PR6 to PR3
• Weblog Tools Collection PR6 to PR4
• Andy Beard PR5 to PR3
• Search Engine RoundTable PR7 to PR4
• Blog Herald PR6 to PR4
Simply copy and paste the code below into your web site (Ctrl+C to copy)
It will look like this: Google PageRank 2nd Update in October 2007
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