
Monday, August 13, 2007

Adword: Search Engine Advertising

I’ve a buddy that really expert in his area, on the internet. He have couple of sites that truly able to give him extra revenue. Almost everyday, I’m watching him making a lot of money from many resources.

I’m so confuse, why those ordinary sites, and I’m definitely sure that there are bunch of other sites out there that better than my buddy’s sites. However, why those sites that owned by my buddy always gaining ton of visitors day by day? With such huge traffic, he can earn unthinkable extra income for him.

Adword: The Secret of Search Engine Position

Because of his generous heart, I can write this post. Finally, I’ve known it, he maximizing the potential of the contents within his sites with Adword. Adword has given him ton of unique visitors’ everyday. Those unique visitors have made my buddy’s site more popular on the search engines. You can imagine it, by applying Adword as his pay per click program, he can able to earn much more than he must spend.

One thing that definitely sure, I’ve seen it, and pay per click program is really bringing a lot of benefits to the advertisers. Imagine that there is nobody clicking your own ads (you, refer to the publisher), the advertisers don’t need to pay any single cent to the site that displaying those Adword. On these Adword, inside of the content of Adword, the domain name of the advertiser’s site is mentioned, its means that the site is getting known well by other peoples. People know something because they always seeing the same thing more than once. Your Adword is considered to be displayed at least more than once.

Adword: Better Solution than Static Link Ads

If a lot of people clicking those Ads naturally, the advertisers also got nothing to lose, because they can earn more traffic that they have planned from the very first time. The more unique visitors visiting your site, the more benefit factors that you can earn. According to my buddy, Adword offering more competitive advantages than buying static link ads program, which is only oriented to the Google PageRank. However, we must also concern the budget that we’ve prepared for our campaign program, if we’ve a lot of money, it would be better to consider to use Adword in your campaign program. On the other hand, if you don’t have a lot of money, you can pick up static link ads program.

GoogleAdWord Has Maximized My Buddy’s Revenue

The very first thing he has been doing is target a specific audience, and then get GoogleAdwords. Yeah, my buddy put a lot of attention to GoogleAdWord program; this is his most favorite AdWords program. This is quite reasonable, the mechanism that have implemented by GoogleAdWord program is very tight to the publishers, and this is the main factor that give a lot of pleasure to the advertisers. GoogleAdWord doesn’t guarantee that every single penny that the advertisers have spent will be worthy as much as the advertisers have expected. Because of the privacy reason, I can’t mention the sites that owned by my buddy. The last time, he giving me an advice, if I want to use an AdWord program for my campaign, I need to pick up good keywords.

Thank you for visiting SurayBlog


Anonymous said...

Very interesting post Suray. Indeed I think that Adwords is a very good way to promote web sites. Even when people don't click on your ads you can still catch their attention and have them remember you provided your url is not too complicated. I remember discovering blogexplosion from the ads showing on my blog, even though I could not click on them I could however just type the url and visit the site. As long as your ads are shown to people who take the time to read them it can profit you even if those people don't click the first time they see your ad. I think it's also very important to take the time to write your ads properly otherwise people won't be attracted to them.

Anonymous said...

@Marguerite: Good thinking, if I have a lot of money, Adword would be the first choice of my campaign promotion strategy! Why? Google mechanism makes advertisers gain a lot of benefit.

Just remember! Don't click on your on ads :D

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