
Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Android 1.5 SDK: An Open Source and Fully Customizable Mobile Platform

A couple days ago, I was so excited to hear about the next version of the Android platform. Well, how far do you know about the next release of Android platform? The truth is the next release of the Android platform will not be Android 1.2, but Android 1.5.

This new version of the Android platform, which is Android 1.5 SDK (Software Development Kit), has just been officially introduced, and it is now ready for all the developers all over the world who want to try it. The Android 1.5 SDK is based on the cupcake branch from the Android Open Source Project. This new version introduces Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) for features such as home screen widgets, soft keyboards, live folders, and speech recognition. Of course, the APIs you will find in this specific Android 1.5 are not finalized. Therefore, you should not release applications base on it.

At the developer website, you can download an early-look of the Android 1.5 SDK. All you need to do is to read important information about upgrading your Eclipse plug-in and existing projects, and try to learn about what is new and highlighted in the Android 1.5. It is not clear yet when and how the Android 1.5 version of the operating system will be available for the Android mobile phones that are currently on the market.

Well, I encourage you to start coding with this early look SDK. However, once again, please know that the APIs for this version have not been finalized. There may be some changes before the final release. Last but not least, I look forward to seeing all the hot applications that use the new capabilities in the Android 1.5 SDK. Happy fun coding!

Thank you for visiting SurayBlog

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